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Saturday, 4 July 2015

Friday Hops ~ Book Blogger + Feature & Follow Friday #41

Do you lend your books out to family & friends?

(Suggested by Elizabeth from Silver's Reviews)

I very, very, rarely lend books. If I lend a book it's a book that I can loose e.g. one I bought from the seconds store, not part of a series or not one of my collectibles or signed copies. I don't lend because it'll end up causing friction between me and the person I lent it to if they bring it back and it's not the same as when I lent it out or if it was new it didn't come back as pristine as I would have liked. By not lending it out, it eliminates the drama. 

Next week @ Book Blogger Hop

If you are in a book club, where do you meet? A restaurant, someone's home, the library? If you aren't in a book club, why not?

Alison Can Read Feature & Follow

Feature & Follow Friday is a weekly feature hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read
The Rules:-
  • You MUST follow BOTH hosts Rachel @ Parajunkee and Alison @ Alison Can Read
  • Do your own Feature & Follow Friday post answering the question of the week and link to it at the bottom of this post 
  • Follow and comment on other participants Feature & Follow Friday posts! 

Q. What's the first book you remember reading?

I really wish that I could find the Nursery Rhyme book my Mum bought for me when I was a baby so I can take a photo of it. It's a hardback, A4 and it was quite thick, and my copy had scribbles from baby me which is why it's quite sentimental to me. It's all boxed up and sealed so it doesn't get ready, I fully intend on using it for my son.

However, I don't really "remember" reading that per-se but I remember my Mum reading it to me.

These are the first books I remember reading. These were the actual covers.

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Next Week @ Feature & Follow Friday

You can only eat one cuisine type for the rest of your life. Which would you choose? (E.g. Italian, French, Chinese etc)

Suggested by Journey Through Fiction


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